Cabinet resigned en masse received a protest demonstration ...

Cabinet resigned en masse received a protest demonstration ...

Cabinet resigned en masse received a protest demonstration ... Kuwait state-owned communications month, Kuwait Sabahaaru = Afumadoaru = Sabah chiefs, has announced the appointment of new Sabahaaru = Haridoaru = Sabah prime minister. Sabah Joined to the new Prime Minister of Kuwait Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the year, after working at the United Nations Kuwait government representative part, in the diplomat who served as the Saudi ambassador, nephew of Sabah chiefs. And entered politics as National Security Agency chief of the ministerial-level to the year, first joining the cabinet as a social problem the labor phase in 00 years, since it was elected to the Foreign Minister to 0 years, has been largely concurrently serves as deputy prime minister. This new prime minister appointed are those of response to the fact that 0 years Jabir Mubarak before Prime Minister has been in office from that date, offered the Cabinet resigned en masse to the Sabah chief. Month in Kuwait, and hundreds of citizens to protest the corruption is a situation in which the throng before the National Assembly, such as a plurality of ministers is pointed an answer requests for fraud, Congress was also dispute.

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