Cabinet resigned en masse received a protest demonstration ...

Middle East of young people who detonate the dissatisfaction, the ...

Cabinet resigned en masse received a protest demonstration ... Autumn, extremely intensified anti-government demonstrations in Iraq and Iran, have come up with many of the victims. The situation, what is China to be Tsuyomeyo economic involvement in the Middle East whether they look. In recent years, against China's zone Ichiro to be derided both debt imperialism, the voice of repulsion and resistance is heard from each region. Violent young men seen in Iraq and Iran, will come when the conflict with China to promote the whole area straight. Violent youth increases Iraq and Iran Month in Iraq, Iran consulate in the central Najaf was attacked by demonstrators following the day last month. Iran consulate is being attacked, the climb to the matter, including the cases of central Karbala last month date. Iraq of young people, from the fact that Iran is supporting behind the Iraqi government, has also intensified hostility to Iran. In Iraq, unemployment rate and economic disparities, and anti-government demonstrations intensified by young people to protest, such as the corruption of the government, so far the death toll is also said to reach 00 people.

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